Women’s Day Ode to a Friend

The extraordinary love that flowed from learning about and sharing the painting process, and our random thoughts and deeply personal stories, gobbled up our time together in a frenzy, and we invariably ran out of time on our ‘artsy days’ (her words)

The ibis hypothesis

The best way to deal with the muddy mess of life and relationships is to draw a clear distinction between people’s intentions (I), their behaviour (B), and the impact their behaviour has on others (I)


In solidarity with the many men and women who are raped by their intimate partners: may you find the strength to walk away – it is never too soon, or too late

Five Seats (Paperback)

Book [and Author]

Five Seats is a magical realism drama, published as paperback and e-book, and is a psychological account of the brutal impact of violence on ordinary lives in South Africa

Categorised as Book

Five Seats (Ebook)

Book [and Author]

Five Seats is a magical realism drama, published as paperback and e-book, and is a psychological account of the brutal impact of violence on ordinary lives in South Africa

Categorised as Book

Five Seats Healing

Recovery Programme

The Five Seats Healing programme is a unique recovery journey for adults who were sexually abused as children