Checklist: Reporting Research

A checklist for ensuring that published research findings meet global ethical requirements

Published Categorised as Content, Research, Template

The ethical requirement for publishing research findings is that the following information must be included:

  1. aim and objectives of the research
  2. name of the research organisation carrying out the research, and the sponsor of the research (if applicable)
  3. universe effectively represented (i.e. who was interviewed), and sampling method used
  4. achieved sample size (number of interviews actually reported), and in the case of full random probability samples, the response rate achieved
  5. geographical coverage and number of sampling locations at which data were collected
  6. dates that data were collected
  7. method by which the information was collected (face-to-face, telephone interview, online panel, etc.)
  8. statistical analysis employed, and accuracy and confidence levels
  9. weighting procedures (or other statistical methods used to adjust the results) if applicable, and the universe used for the weights
  10. questions asked, and to avoid possible ambiguity and misunderstanding the actual wording of the question should be given

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