Women’s Day Ode to a Friend

The extraordinary love that flowed from learning about and sharing the painting process, and our random thoughts and deeply personal stories, gobbled up our time together in a frenzy, and we invariably ran out of time on our ‘artsy days’ (her words)

The ibis hypothesis

The best way to deal with the muddy mess of life and relationships is to draw a clear distinction between people’s intentions (I), their behaviour (B), and the impact their behaviour has on others (I)

Diversity Comes to Life

We are braiding thousands of strings of different colours, some thin and some thick, some curly and some straight, some long and some short

Conspiracies, Coercion and Calamities

New Orleans

When the novel coronavirus reared its ugly roundish head and COVID-19 turned into a global monster of apocalyptic proportions, questions, theories, and questionable theories sprouted almost as quickly and prolifically as the virus

Has politics served its purpose?

There seems to be a power/ideology struggle going on, in terms of South Africa’s emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and politics are getting in the way of saving lives

The peculiar puzzles of change

Madagascar dam

Entire theories have been devoted to the art and science of change: why we change, how we change, what we change, when and where we change